He added that Judicial officials must not remain indifferent about this vital issue. The question was raised for the Grand Ayatollah by a group of cyber space activists, according to his website. 这位大阿亚图拉还表示司法官员一定不能对此类关乎国家存亡的问题不闻不问。从其个人网站上可知,该问题是由一群网络激进分子向他提出来的。
It is a fair assumption that the results in particular cases will be largely determined by the extent of judicial sympathy for the statutory scheme in question. 对某个特别案例法定方案的司法同情的程度,就决定了这个案例的结果,这个假定是公正的。
In the current judicial practice, that the criminal witness does not appear in court to testify the question has affected the judicature fairness and the social justice. 当前司法实践中存在的刑事证人不出庭作证问题已影响着司法公正和社会正义的实现。
And why has this judicial question arisen? 为什么发生这个司法问题呢?
Where judicial review is available, the question then becomes: how far can the court go in examining the agency decision? 如果司法审查现成可得,随后的问题就是:法院在审查机关的决定时可走得多远?
Putting forward a judicial proposal to the administrative organ superior to the administrative organ in question or to a supervisory or personnel department; 向该行政机关的上一级行政机关或者监察、人事机关提出司法建议。
Manifests the recoverable judicial idea the criminal reconciliation procedure, by one kind of brand-new question solution mentality processing criminal offense question. 体现恢复性司法理念的刑事和解程序,以一种全新的问题解决思路处理刑事犯罪问题。
Consideration of Ecological Security in Judicial& also on the Question of Ecological Security Legislation Existence 司法中的生态安全考量&兼论生态安全立法存在的问题
This article embarks from the prudent treatment of death penalty, which unifies our country 'the judicial reality, has carried on the discussion to the basic question of the death penalty review procedure. 本文正是从慎重对待死刑的角度出发,结合我国的司法实际,对死刑复核程序的基本问题进行了探讨,希望可以从中得出一些对我们有借鉴意义的程序价值和实体规则。
Over the past 40 years, our country has adjusted the law of the right of the allusion quatation, lack the legal norm of the written form, Only fragmentary rule and judicial explanation of department involve this question. 四十年来,我国关于典权的法律调整,缺乏成文的法律规范,仅有零星的部门规章及司法解释涉及这一问题。
How reasonably exercise administrative free discretion in legislation, administration and judicial is not only a theory question, moreover a significant practice question. 从立法、行政、司法三个层面来探究如何合理行使行政自由裁量权,不仅是一个理论问题,而且是一个重大的实践问题。
In judicial practice of civil procedure, a tough question was produced as whether the traditional rules of territorial jurisdiction for infringements apply to the cyberspace? 在民事诉讼实践中,我们面临的首要问题就是:指导传统侵权之诉的地域管辖规则在网络侵权案中是否仍然适用?
Bona Fide Acquisition System of the Judicial Practice Question 善意取得的司法实践问题研究
But as a result of traditional administrative jurisprudence idea influence, The our country administrative proceedings long-term prohibit mediation, This not only theoretically is owing completely. Also has caused a series of judicial practice question directly. 但由于传统行政法学观念的影响,我国行政诉讼长期禁止适用调解,这不仅在理论上欠周全,也直接导致了一系列的司法实践问题。
Since the new criminal law came into force in 1997, judicial theoretical circles and practical circles question the validity of legislative regulations of the crime of dereliction in subject range, culpability form, count type and the disposition of statutory sentence etc. 1997年新刑法颁布施行后,司法理论界和实务界对玩忽职守罪在主体范围、罪过形式、罪状类型、法定刑配置等方面的立法规定提出诸多质疑,且相互间争论颇多。
The most attention-attracting question in judicial review system or administrative litigation system in modern nations is the question of the relationship between administrative power and judicial power. 现代各国司法审查制度或行政诉讼制度最为关注的核心问题是行政权和司法权的关系问题。
Judicial determination of credit card fraud is the most important question in this article. 信用卡诈骗罪司法认定问题,也是本文重要阐述的问题。
However, according to our criminal law and the relevant judicial interpretations of the criminal victim, the spirit damage compensate request question in the field of criminal legislation is blank, this kind of state in theory and practice there are a lot of problems. 然而,根据我国的刑事法律及相关的司法解释,刑事被害人的精神损害赔偿请求问题在刑事立法领域是空白的,这种状况在理论和实务中都存在诸多问题。
Right now, criminal investigation and judicial control is a very popular question in China. 对于刑事侦查权进行司法控制在我国目前也是一个极其热门的问题。
The third chapter mainly discusses the judicial cognizance question well-known trademark, introduces the principle of judicial cognizance standard and scope, and related knowledge, and tries to find out the judicial practice. 第三章主要讨论驰名商标的司法认定问题,分别介绍了司法认定的原则、标准和范围等相关知识,并试图寻找出我国司法实践中所存在的主要问题。
Regardless of is the criminal law study theory or the judicial solid service department with is suitable the question regarding this type crime constitution also to have a greater dispute. 无论是刑法学理论界还是司法实务部门对于这一类型的犯罪构成与适用问题还存在着较大的争议。
Recently the judicial circle also pays close attention to this question and puts it into practice in some judicial cases. 近年来司法实务界对这一问题也给予了较多的关注,并在一部分司法实践中付诸实施。
Has been clear about under the Chinese special national condition, the judicature is not merely a judicial question, a political issue. 明确了在中国特殊的国情下,司法不仅仅是一个司法问题,还是一个政治问题。
The trial monitoring program, there is always judicial fairness and efficiency to the question of reunification; and the existing judicial supervision procedures of the shortcomings in the running process, the biased. 在民事审判监督程序运行过程中,始终存在着司法公正和效率如何统一的问题;而现行民事审判监督程序的缺陷,使其在运行过程中产生偏颇。
Although this charge complied with the practice to need to formulate, an additional charge while will also initiate in the judicial practice many have the dispute question. 该罪名虽然是顺应了实践之需要而制定的,但是,一个新增罪名在诞生的同时也会在司法实践中引发许多有争议的问题。
But through the survey, it is found that the current judicial practice question of meeting difficult is not effectively solved, new relevant provision can not be effective. 但通过调查发现当前司法实践中律师会见难的问题似乎并没有能得到有效解决,新《律师法》的相关规定也没能有效施行。
Larceny is one of the frequently-seeing and repeatedly-occurring crimes in the judiciary practice, which is definitely specified in the native Criminal Law and judicial interpretation that also gives specific interpretation for the difficult question occurred in the process of applying laws when judges theft cases. 盗窃罪是司法实践中常见、多发的犯罪之一,我国刑法对盗窃罪作了明确的规定,司法解释对审理盗窃案件具体应用法律中的疑难问题也作了具体解释。
Followed by combination of a judicial practice of "favoritism" in this crime counts set reasonable question that should remove its representation in the law. 其次,笔者结合司法实践对徇私舞弊在本罪具体罪状中设置的合理性提出了质疑,认为应当在法条中删除其表述。
The third chapter is credit fraud of judicial cognizance question. 第三章是信用证诈骗的司法认定问题。
Judicial fairness is the question that people pay more attention to. 司法公正是大家所关注的问题。